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College: Daily Lesson Plans

Targeted Skills and Knowledge Can Do Statement Summative Assessment


Phase I

Objectives:  Students will be able to

  • Identify the teams of the 2018 world cup, and some popular sports by activating background knowledge   
  • Notice the topic of this unit by engaging in related discussions  

Teaching materials

Activity 1: Check Preview Homework, Task #1

  • Display PowerPoint slides #2-6.
  • Administer the quiz using Kahoot: students read sentences in Chinese characters and fill in blanks according to the pictures provided.
  • Check students’ homework assigned before class (phase1_homework) and go over the answers together.

Activity 2: Discuss Preview Homework, Task #2   

  • Students share their homework answers with classmates (Slides 7-8).
  • Teacher check homework and briefly summarize.
  • Share authentic images of 2018 world cup and briefly introduce the result with guided sentences structure.

Activity 3: Review topic-related words (Vocabulary)

  • Display PowerPoint slides #9-15.
  • Students read sentences in Chinese characters and fill in blanks according to the pictures provided.
  • Teacher asks questions about the pictures and introduce the background knowledge.

Activity 4: Warm up with a Video (slide 16)

  • Tell students they are about watching a short video and ask them to come up with one or two key words to describe the video.
  • Play the video (40 seconds). Online video:
  • Ask students to say the key words in Chinese.
Address any questions related to the video and the unit topic.
Phase 2


Objectives:  Students will be able to

  • Use key words in context.
  • Scan key words in the article.
  • Use the target sentence patterns to describe pictures.
  • Use key words and sentence patterns to tell a story.

Teaching materials
phase2_article1  《永远》

Part 1:  Learn & Practice Vocabulary in Context

Activity 1: Vocabulary Naming Task

  • Display the core vocabulary (slide 2, handout p. 1)
  • Students work in pairs; take turn naming vocabulary and time each other’s speed.
  • Teacher asks students to share their speed of the naming task, and briefly explain the importance of the exercise, i.e. the better we name vocabulary accurately and fluently, the more likely we can read.
  • Have students in pairs continue to work on the exercise of 组词on p. 1-2 in the handout.
  • Teacher checks their works.

Activity 2: Contextualize Character Learning (slides 3-11, handout p. 2)

  • Teacher shows pictures in ppt slides and the questions in the handout. 
  • Based on pictures on the slides, students work in pairs to use new words to answer questions or filling in the blanks in the handout
  • Teacher checks their works.

Activity 3: Scan Target Words in the Article (slide 12, handout p. 3)

  • Cut the article1 《永远》in 4 sections based on the 4 paragraphs.
  • Each student receives one paragraph of the article (Numbered 1-4 on the back, the number tied indicating which paragraph).
  • Students work individually to scan and circle the core vocabulary in his/her assigned paragraph.
  • Students work in groups of 4.  Each student in the group has a different paragraph and has circled the core vocabulary in his/her paragraph.  Give all students the whole article (phase2_article1).  4 students in each group help each other to circle all of the core vocabulary in the article.     

Activity 4: Create Language with the Target Words (slide 13)   

  • Choose any 3 words from the new words and tell a short story with the provided picture in 2 minutes.
  • Suggestion: have students log into to videotape their oral story-telling and submit it online as a formative assessment.

Part 2:  Learn & Practice Sentence Patterns in Context

Activity 5: Sentence practice (Slide 15-22, handout p. 4)   

  • Introduce the three sentence patterns.  
  • Display the pictures on the slides and ask students to use the target patterns to make sentences to describe the pictures.
  • Students read the short paragraph individually on slide 21: scan and circle the sentence patterns in the assigned section. Check students’ comprehension.

Activity 6: Scan Target Grammatical Patterns from Sentences

  • Scan the article “永远” and have students to circle the three grammatical patterns just learned (slides 23-24, handout p. 4).
  • Check students’ comprehension the content expressed by the sentence patterns.

Activity 7: Create Language with the Target patterns

  • Ask students to connect the three targeted patterns into a paragraph. Create with language (slides 25-26, handout p. 5).
  • Suggestion: have students log into to videotape their oral assignment and submit it online as a formative assessment. 

Activity 8: Reading Aloud Practice [Group Work]

  • Divide students in groups of three.
  • Use the methods in Slides 27-31 to evaluate their reading comprehension.   
  • Notice that the words in Slides 27-28 disappear one by one at different speeds.  The purpose is to guides students to read fast and accurately.
  • The words in Slide 29-31 are blocked by some lines.  It guides students to read based on the context. 

Complete all the exercises in the handout (if there are parts that students do not have the time to finish in class).  

Phase 3


Objectives: Students will be able to

  • Identify key ideas of each paragraph and the relationships between each paragraph.
  • Make inferences through guided reading activities.
  • Analyze the text structure of a story and summarize the story.
  • Describe their experiences about sports and the impact on personal relations.

Teaching materials

Activity 1: Pre-reading Warm-up (slide 3)
Divide students in groups of 3 and discuss the warm-up questions on slide #3.

Activity 2: Paragraph One (slides 4-8, handout p. 1)

  • Divide students in pairs.  Have scan paragraph one and circle all the names of people and places.
  • Ask them to locate the key word与众不同, and then guess the meaning of it based on the context.
  • Reread the paragraph one for details. Have each group to discuss the questions in (C) in the handout p. 1.  Teacher selects some students to express their views.
  • Students summarize paragraph one on in one sentence and make predictions about the content in paragraph two (task D, E).

Activity 3: Paragraph Two (slides 9-14, handout p. 2)

  • Have students underline the action verbs in paragraph two.
  • In pairs, students work together to fill in the form on p. 2 in the handout: the information of who, when, where, what happened of paragraph two.  
  • Students in pairs discuss the differences between Subašić and other soccer players. 
  • Each pair thinks of three questions based on the content of Paragraph 2.

Activity 4: Paragraph Three (slides 15-16, handout p. 3)

  • Students scan the paragraph 3 and circle the signal words listed on p. 3 in the handout.
  • In pairs, students read Paragraph 3 and fill out the timeline in the graphic organizer.

Activity 5 Paragraph Four (slides 17-24, handout p. 4)

  • Students work individually to skim and underline the words that relate to Subašić’s emotions.
  • Introduce the new word 悲痛. Identify the radicals that indicate the meaning and components that indicate sound of the two characters.
  • Students draw a graphic to show the development of Subašić’s 真情 and 梦想, then put the key words that describe emotions on the graph.
  • The instructor leads the discussion to identify the details of the story development.

Activity 6 Text Structure (slides 25-27, handout p. 5)

  • Students work in small groups to summarize each paragraph into one sentence and complete the graphic organizer.
  • Continue to discuss the relationships between each paragraph and fill it in the graphic organizer.

Activity 7: Real-life Language Application (Slides 28-29)  

  • Each student prepares a story that he/she has experienced/watched about sports and its impacts on him/her. Use 2-3 key words listed in the word bank to describe his/her personal feelings or the development of his/her emotions.
  • Students work in groups of three to share their stories.
  • While listening to others, each student prepares a 3-2-1 summary: 3 sentences summarizing the story you hear; 2 words that describes emotions or personal feelings from the story; one question you would like to ask the presenter.
  • Group discusses their 3-2-1 summaries.

Homework (Slide 30)  

  • Composition (150-200字)
    • Continue to work on your story and focus on the development of emotion.
    • Design your own graphic organizer to help you organize your story. 
  •  Research online (prepare for next article 《冬奥开幕式:韩朝手牵手 》)
    • What sports are popular in South Korea and North Korea?
    •  Briefly understand the history of the Korean War.

Phase 4

《冬奥开幕式:韩朝手牵手 》

Students are able to

  • actively and consciously apply higher-level reading strategies (think-aloud protocol) so as to become an independent learner;
  • explain the author’s intention and the purpose of the article;
  • address the questions about the news.

Teaching materials

Warm-up (slide 3)
Steps: Use the following guiding questions to facilitate students’ comprehension step by step.  Guiding questions in Chinese:

  • 第一、二张照片中的运动员是从哪个国家来的?
  • 第三张照片中的国旗是哪个国家的?
  • 通常每个国家的国旗只有一个人拿着。为什么这个国家的国旗是两个人拿着?

Activity 1: First reading (slides 4-5, handout 1)

  • Distribute Handout 1.
  • Teacher leads students to go through the reading ‘steps’ requirements.
  • Set up time tracker and students start reading individually.
  • Do NOT share students’ result of the question one (How much do you understand the reading this time?) in class.
  • Pair up students to complete the question two.
  • Share the questions that students have raised and the answers in class.

Activity 2: Second reading (slides 6-17, handout 2 & 3)

  • Distribute Handout 2 and Handout 3.
  • Explain to students how to use Handout 2 (Metacognitive Processing). Handout 3 is a worksheet designed to assist students in creating their individual learning materials and efficient reading habits.
  • Teacher leads students to go through the reading ‘steps’ requirements on p. 1 in Handout 2.
  • Explain the Flow Chart of Comprehension-Monitoring on p. 2 in Handout 2. Focus on the reading difficulties student might encounter and the relevant reading strategies students should practice in this activity.
  • Set up time tracker and students start reading individually.
  • Do NOT share students’ result of the question one (“How much do you understand the reading this time?”) in class.
  • Students in piars work together to complete the tasks for each paragraph.
  • After they complete the tasks for each graph, discuss students’ answers to the questions on self-check worksheets.  Students are expected to explain how they came up the answers, what strategies they had applied to find their answers. Teachers should frequently ask “How do you know that?”

Activity 3: Recap (slides 18-19, handout 4)

  • Distribute Handout 4.
  • Discuss students’ answers to the first two questions on the self-check worksheet.  Students are expected to explain how they come up with the answers, what strategies they have applied to find their answers. Teacher should frequently ask “How do you know that?”
  • For Q3a, make copies of the sentences on p. 1 in the handout 4, and hang them up on the classroom wall.
  • Divide students in groups of 3-4.  Students in each group work together to re-arrange the sentences into a paragraph.  The paragraph actually summarizes the article 《冬奥开幕式:韩朝手牵手 》 .
  • Each group selects one student to present the arrangement of the sentences.
  • Each group then discuss the question in Q3b, and select a student to present the group opinion to the questions.

Homework Assignment
(slide 20)

  • Required Essay: Ask students to summarize the reading in their own words, and express their own view with the conscious use of targeted vocabulary and sentence structures. This assignment prepares students for the summative assessment in Phase 5.
Optional Extended Cultural Reading: It provides historical background knowledge for the students to understand the unit theme deeply and widely.
How Ping-Pong Diplomacy Thawed the Cold War (
Phase 5


Students demonstrate their learning outcomes of this unit.  The evaluation uses Integrated Performance Assessment.

Teaching materials


  • Revisit the overview of this unit (slide 3) for the summative assessment.
  • Interpretive Reading Task: Students will read, analyze, compare and contrast three readings (handout p. 1- 2, slides 3-6)
      • Activity 1: Pre-reading activity. Work with your classmates to discuss what you care about most while you are watching a sport game.
      • Activity 2: Pair work or small group work.   (slides 7-22)
  • Read the article 《马拉松比赛感人的一幕!无论比赛还是做人,她都赢了!》
  • Do the multiple-choice the comprehension questions
  • Complete the form and summarize the article orally
  • Interpersonal Task: Students use critical thinking skills to discuss and evaluate as a group the pros and cons of these articles (handout p. 3, Slides 23-26).
  • Activity 3:
  • Discuss the main ideas of the three readings included in this unit. 
  • Discuss your views of sport competition.  


  • Interpersonal Task: (handout p. 4-5, Slides 27-30).
      • Activity 4: Compare and contrast your homework (Phase III homework & Phase IV Handout 3 Homework) with your classmates and write down the similarities of the homework and what new concepts you have learned.


  • Presentational Writing Task: Students will explain their viewpoints in writing, integrating what they have read and discussed throughout the unit into their explanations (handout p. 5-6, Slides 31-34).
Activity 5: Finish the writing assignment by incorporating all previous work and discussions into the final product. Use the writing rubric as a guide.